7 Key Benefits of Online Video

When you think of “YouTube” it  may conjure up entertaining videos of cat tricks and child prodigies. But have you thought about how powerful online video can be as both a patient education resource and a valuable marketing tool? Here are 7 key reasons to consider using video online.

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1. You Tube is the second largest search engine next to Google.That means it’s the next best place to promote your practice while greatly improving your search engine rankings. Always include your logo, practice name, and contact information in your video. Provide a brief description and title, and create tags and categories using desired keywords. This will ensure greatest access and exposure online, and help drive more traffic to your website. 

2. YouTube is free and easy to use.
YouTube is a video website that allows internet users to create, upload, share and view videos. You can set up an account easily and at no cost. You’ll have your own YouTube Channel so you can organize and promote your videos in a single location. Once your video is created (we recommend professional video) it’s easy and quick to upload videos directly to your channel.

3. Video is Personal.
Video allows you to connect on a personal level with your current patients. It’s a way to introduce yourself and your practice to potential patients by demonstrating your style and personality  – the next best thing to meeting in person. Video lets you build rapport and trust so prospects are more likely to make that first appointment and your relationship with your existing patients is strengthened.

4. YouTube supports your online branding.
YouTube can help you brand yourself as an expert in your field and gain visibility. You’ll create a profile when establishing your YouTube Channel, providing detailed information about your practice and a link to direct visitors to your website as well as to other videos you have online. By providing valuable and updated educational content, your brand can spread through video sharing and other viral marketing methods.

5. People enjoy videos.
For more and more people, watching videos is preferable to reading text. Particularly for the short attention spans of online viewers, shorter is better to encourage more views. Keeping videos concise, and between 2-3 minutes is best.

6. Video provides a valuable opportunity to teach and reassure patients.
From describing specific medical conditions and procedures to letting patients know what they can expect when they come to your office, or how to follow through with a home treatment program, the educational opportunities are endless. Over time you can build a library of education videos to share with patients.

7. Video can be used in multiple marketing outlets.
Be sure to embed your videos on your website, and include them in your e-newsletters, blog or any other social media site. Note them in your brochure and post a list in your reception area.

Video has always been a valuable medium for education. Now that it’s so easy to make it widely available to the public, consider jumping on board and see what it can do for you and your patients.

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Latady Physician Strategies helps physicians transition to Concierge and Direct Care medical practices that help them treat their patients the way they want to be treated, while rediscovering their enjoyment in practicing medicine.


Nancy Latady, MBA


Latady Physician Strategies




Conventional to Concierge Medicine

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